
Wherever the past, the present and the future takes me, this is my corner...

I hate how much I love you...

Publicerad 2010-08-31 17:11:49 i Allmänt,

Its raining here, alot... Was going to go out tonite as proper students but na, a nice movie will do.
Today I was in school in the morning and after that I had a little errand. Man, this course is really demanding you to be focused and take time to read through everything. I mean, next lecture is tomorrow and after that we have ten days to read our books. 10 days!! Discipline I tell you... Coz sometimes Foucault, even how intertsting it may be, is not the focus of our attention. Its much more fun to decorate your room or to buy new shoes...

Tomorrow I will also get access to my new room. Keeoing my fingers crossed that it will look okej.. Im abit excited tho to be able to by new things and stuff... 

With Love!

Schools out..

Publicerad 2010-08-30 17:14:46 i Allmänt,

First day of school is hereby over. It turns out that we are a little class of 7 people but Im looking forward to this semester. I was looking at the literature that we have to read and choose from and I can truly say that I can wait to I get to start reading the book of my choice. So many that I would like to read atleast 5 of them but...

Sitting at Eves kitchentable and we are doing nothing. Im so blessed to have such a nice friend to let me stay here for a couple of days <3 :) Getting my new room tomorrow or on wednesday and I cant wait to make it my own...

Nope, now its back to being social :)
With Love!


Publicerad 2010-08-27 18:15:07 i Allmänt,

I just realized what this song is about. Finally I get abit of it and that helps me to understand...


Publicerad 2010-08-27 13:10:12 i Allmänt,

Yesterday we ate crayfish, prawns and drank anything other then champagne :p Yennipher made a delicious saffron cake. I love being with my girls, no matter what we do, we are always making the best out of it and I can honestly say I haven't laughed like that in ages. We are all changing and facing different challanges and adventures but I hope you all will be in my life forever...

Today was my last day at work before I leave for Umeå.
And today we congratulate Elin on her birthday <3

And on the good news :)

Life after you...

Publicerad 2010-08-22 23:02:54 i Allmänt,

Starting a new chapter in my life. And I so hope that You will be a part of my nexr :) At the moment Im staying with my parents for a week, moved my stuff from Fröjas today. It felt abit weird to leave the key but I know that the lovebirds will have a lekker time there and that the future will be bright :) On Sunday Im leaving for Umeå. My last year of studying is about to start...

Sitting on my bed in the so called "guest room". My stuff is all over! I have no idea how Im going to be able to pack anything at all for Umeå but thats a different story. At the moment Im tired and the alarm starts at 5.30 tomorrow so I think I just might go to sleep.
With love!

Animal Planet

Publicerad 2010-08-19 16:09:56 i Allmänt,

Ahh, my internet is having a bit of a low period I think becasue it takes forever to publish anything. So, now I give it a go again. T
omorrow me and my girls are going to PARTY! I am soo in the mood... Please let it be friday already!! I just bought a new dress that Im very happy with. Going to use it more then once, love it!

At the moment my room looks like a mess, there are boxes and bags and stuff everywhere! This is what happens when you are always looking for adventures, right? And just think that this is not even a whole house, its one room... Jeez...

With Love!

Change is going to come...

Publicerad 2010-08-17 10:04:33 i Allmänt,

Less then one week left in Nynäshamn before I take all my stuff and move them to my parents house to make room for a new member in this world ;)
It feels abit weird but at the dsame time Im excited in one way to move back to Umeå. Its hopefully my final year of studying and after that Im of into the "real world". There are so many things Id like to do but obviuosly I cant do everything. I know I have plenty of experience that fits well into the field I have choosen.
I need the world! I want to travel, live abroud again, open my eyes and work somewhere least expected. I will make it happen!
But first I have one year of studying left. It feels rather scary to start on a masters degree because everyone that does that is all grown up. I guess I am to. Im looking forward to read Mary Douglas, Foucault, to start my own project, to learn about international museology and to write my final big essay.

But first I have to pack all my stuff and Im going to start today.
With Love!


Publicerad 2010-08-09 18:53:00 i Allmänt,

Sonisphere - what can I say?!!? It was crazy. Crazy good. Crazy raining. Crazy mudd. Crazy people. And the best!
We got there about three and after a beer and burger we stood under a tree for a while. When Alice Cooper came on stage the weather seemed to be a bit better, I dnt think it was tho but with something to watch we all became a bit more enthusiastic. We made our way thro the fields of dirt and there was no point in trying to save your shoes, they were already messed up after 30 seconds. Then Mötley Crüe came on.... And this time we stood rather close and I loved it :) Awesome!! The guys are cool! "When we say Mötley you say?" Ahhh... When Iron Maiden came on me and Elin just stayed for one song because we where cold and with our cold limbs we just wanted to take a shower! So we started the long journey home.

Thank you to my bestest friends for making this an even better day!!


Publicerad 2010-08-08 18:58:02 i Allmänt,

Today I think me and Elin can just crawl up in a corner and cry... We are both feeling blue today, both for different reasons but still something that only affect women...
And still, what do I do?!?! Yes, I sit and look at pictures on FB that makes me miss him even more. Am I not a little bit stupid?!

Naa, now Im going to eat my chocolate and wait for work.
With Love!


Min profilbild


Den här bloggen är jag. Den kan ibland vara fylld med känslor och tankar men är lika glad och virrig som jag kan vara. Jag älskar min familj och mina vänner, engelska böcker, olympiska spelen, fikabröd, höstlöv, att dansa, promenader, Morgonpasset i P3, ost, träna, snö, skidåkning och att sjunga i duschen. Jag ogillar hat, kapris, när mitt nagellack flagnar, att stressa, orättvisor, att hänga tvätt, människor utan respekt och fötter på tågsäten. Välkommen till mitt lilla hörn i en stor värld.

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