
Wherever the past, the present and the future takes me, this is my corner...

Your time to shine

Publicerad 2011-01-05 10:31:59 i Allmänt,

I'm not very good on making summaries so a list will do. My year has been emotional. This is my 2010:

1. Did you do anything that you never done before?
Lets just leave it at yes :)

2. Did you keep any of your new years resolutions?
I didn't have any...

3. Did any of your friends become parents this year?
My brother and his girl had Noel(they are family but still I think they deserve to be mentioned :p) and Yennipher had little Oskar :D Then alot of people that are acquaintances had babies. Waiting for another baby in the beginning of 2011 :)

4. Did anyone close to you die?
Luckily no...

5. Which countries did you visit?
I went to England with Jennie in May and Denmark with some of the girls in October. More travelling to come!!

6. Is there something that you miss in 2010 that you would like to have in 2011?
My own apartment!

7. Which dates in 2010 will you always remember?
April 23 when Lekgetho came to visit after a long week of worrying about the ash-cloud. September 19 when Oskar was born. December 22 when Noel was born.

8. What was you biggest success during 2010?
In 2010 my self-esteem got alot better. I'm still working on it though...

9. The biggest mistake?
To let someone be a priority when that person didn't want to make me a priority.

10. Have you been ill or injured yourself?
Nope... Or does urinary infection count?

11. Your best buy?
My tickets to London and København :)

12. What did you spend the most money on?
Travelling :)

13. Gjorde någonting dig riktigt glad?
My friends and my family, they always make me smile :) And the fact that I got some money from my insurance that made it possible to live a little more free...

14. What songs will always remind you of 2010?
Waka Waka with Shakira of course ;)

15. Where you more happy or sad this year then the previous ones?
I was more sad I have to say :(

16. What do you wish you had done more?
Focus on here and now..

17. What do you wish you had done less?

18. How did you spend your Christmas?
With my family.

19. Did you fall inlove this year?
No, I did not...

20. How many one night stands?

21. Favourite show on TV?
Ehm, I watch what is on at the time. I like Vinterstudion however :)

23. The best book you read this year?
I read mostly course books so...

24. The biggest musical discovery?
No one in particular.

25. Anything you wished for and got?
Happy times!

26. Anything you wished for but didn't get?

28. What did you do on your birthday 2010?
I rushed home from work and had friends and family over for cake :)

29. Is there anything that would have done your year better?
Not overanalyzing everything!

30. How would you describe your style 2010?

31. What made you feel good?
To be around people that I love.

32. What celebrity did you want?
Haha, no one in particular...

33. Who did you miss?
My friends and my love...

34. The best new people you met?
Hm, I have to say the people in my corridor in Umeå...


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Den här bloggen är jag. Den kan ibland vara fylld med känslor och tankar men är lika glad och virrig som jag kan vara. Jag älskar min familj och mina vänner, engelska böcker, olympiska spelen, fikabröd, höstlöv, att dansa, promenader, Morgonpasset i P3, ost, träna, snö, skidåkning och att sjunga i duschen. Jag ogillar hat, kapris, när mitt nagellack flagnar, att stressa, orättvisor, att hänga tvätt, människor utan respekt och fötter på tågsäten. Välkommen till mitt lilla hörn i en stor värld.



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