We still play out in the rain
Had a lovely weekend in Örebro. My brother and his girl stayed in a cozy apartment and eventhough they have just been living there for two months they have already created a home. It takes a while to do that! After brother picked us up at the trainstation we had lunch and then we took the bus to where they stayed. We had fika with some of his girlfriends relatives and after relaxing and watching MJ in Budapest we took the bus to our cousins house. At the moment the only one who was home was my aunt and she made yummy Lebanese food. I love food with a little edge and after we ate for hours we had some hot choco before we went home at past midnight.
On sunday morning my brother made french toast and we all had a perfect sunday BF. Later our parents came and we "fikade" before we took a walk in the woods near their house. Perfect for walks!! We had nice salmon for lunch and potatos and after that we had to leave since we had tickets to see John Cleese.
And that was so funny... He really has a naughty sense of humor that makes you laugh. :)
Well, that was that... A looong, perfect weekend <3
Now Im sitting in my room, preparing to go to the kitchen and make some supper. After a nap this afternoon I feel much better, I almost felt sick there for a while!
Now: Korv Stroganoff :)
With Love!