Publicerad 2010-09-30 15:59:19 i Allmänt,
But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger
You'll learn things you never knew you never knew...
The world, its out there waiting for me. My plans are mine from now on. For what it is worth, I can't wait to get my degree and start looking for a job. I think I atleast have to wait until January then I'm going to have the best CV and I'm going to take them by surprise. I want to experience...
Publicerad 2010-09-30 09:32:42 i Allmänt,
It's a new day and I want this day to go faster then fast. I want to get away, I want to enjoy myself. I'm going to try to live my life I guess...
Today the plan is to read some and start packing for the trip tomorrow. I'm so excited, its going to be great! :)
Now its time for breakfast...
With Love!
Sometimes it just feels like everything is going my way eventhough the way is not what I planned for in the beginning...
Publicerad 2010-09-29 22:47:26 i Allmänt,
Going to sleep in a little while. Or maybe I'll watch som "Vem tror du att du är?" before I switch off the light.
Today has been hetic but I ended it with the prefect afternoon with my old roomie Elin <3 I can't believe how comfortable I feel there and I can honestly say that I still feel at home there... Came home with some new clothes, they had a sale at Lindex... But now Im saving my money for Köpenhamn. Yes, I am going to let myself shop abit there... I have come to the conclusion that I have to few clothes :p And rings!!
With Love!
Publicerad 2010-09-28 22:36:57 i Allmänt,
Roller coaster ride... My heart is exhausted!! :/
Publicerad 2010-09-27 22:44:55 i Allmänt,
Publicerad 2010-09-27 17:25:34 i Allmänt,
First day (or actually second?) back in the south. After only 3 hours of sleep as a result of a crazy night in Umeå, I started my journey. My mom, dad and sister picked me up at the airport where we did some celebrity spotting. At my granny's place we got lunch and a coffee and then we were off to Bandhagen where we had pizza and more cake. Lovely!!
This morning I was tired and eventhough I probably could have slept abit longer I got up at 9.30. Today has been, as mondays and every weekday are these days, about reading...
Now my sister walked through the door so now I have to go...
With Love!
Publicerad 2010-09-25 13:51:57 i Allmänt,

Mm, small picture I know but it looks exactly like the tent we spend one of the hectic days in Münich a couple of years ago.
We have to go back!!!!!!
Publicerad 2010-09-25 13:39:54 i Allmänt,
Packing, packing, packing! Its a good thing though that I'm going to my parents house where I still have a lot of things so pillow, towel and toothbrush etc does not need to take up space in the suitcase. But I'm going to visit the world so I need all kinds of clothes: party, warm, comfy, everydaywear, dressed up and nice to look at ;).
Later this day I'm going to see some floorball with Eve and them and after that we are going to go to a resaturant to eat.. Perfect saturday!
No, now I have to order a taxi for tomorrow. There are no buses before 10 am tomorrow and since my plane leaves at 10.55 I don't want to risk anything...
With Love!
Publicerad 2010-09-23 22:12:28 i Allmänt,
I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.
- Marilyn Monroe
Publicerad 2010-09-23 11:43:07 i Allmänt,
PM on Jürgen Habermas - check.
PM och Janice Radway - check.
Now I just have to eat some lunch and prepare a sandwich then I'm off to school. Today we have a lecture for once. And after that I'm going to start reading Regarding the Pain of Others, can't wait... Oh, Im abit of a nerd I know :p But this book sounds so interesting and so worth reading that I'm prepared to sit until late evening befoe I go home :)
And everything might just work out, I'm keeping my fingers crossed but as it looks now I have to wait three more months before I get to be in his arms, sigh... My eyes are tearing up just thinking about it but I quess its all for the best... Hope the three months go fast tho!! One day at a time...
Publicerad 2010-09-23 08:27:52 i Allmänt,
"Us girls, we are just looking for trouble..."
I'm willing to agree with Elin(the other Elin ;)). If its not one thing, then its the other... You never run dry of things to worry, think or feel angry about... Eish :/
Publicerad 2010-09-22 21:33:53 i Allmänt,
This has been an interesting evening.A sudden change of events can turn everything up side down.
And maybe my inexperience too? But I'm keeping my fingers crossed that everything will work out for the perfect. If not, second best is not that bad, maybe I have to spend sone nights by myself in DC? I'll manage, and I mean, it could be worse, at least I get to see my man :). And as I told dad when he said I should forget about this guy and find someone close that I could spend time with: "No, I'm not going to do that, I just love him too much..." And I'm to stubbborn to just give up, you learn as you live....

On the other hand, some quite scary but at the same time interesting and fun news reached me yesterday... A step in the right direction :D
With Love!
Publicerad 2010-09-21 23:25:52 i Allmänt,
I know it! I don't think I'm good enough. Good enough to be something to someone. Why should he want to be with me, I'm always a burden? All of his friends are so much cooler than I ever could be. Why should I be here at university, everyone in my class is so ahead of me? Why should I be able to handle a project all by my self, why should I be able to be someone who makes the decisions?
I know that all of these things are not true. Not at all... But that is what makes me question myself sometimes. Im getting better at facing whats best for me though and realizing that whatever I think about myself is probably not true. When I was younger I even thought that I was not good enough to ever have close friends. But look at me now... I have friends that I love, friends that know all about me and that I won't even hesitate to call when I feel sad or down or happy... Friends that include me and think of me as one of the girls. Friends that sms me and wants to go for "fika"...
This just came to me. This is why I act like I do. Insecure and hesitant. I keep bothering myself with the life of someone else instead of enjoying the life that I have here. Im too caught up in the world around me and to bothered what other people think of me instead of seeing the good things that people I care about and that care about me think. What difference does it make that I check his FB every day to see who his friends are? He wants me, no one else. What different does it make that I have a couple of points less then the rest of the class? Im still qualified to be there and just as good as the rest of the students!
I don't think I'm good enough to be someone. Well, thats got to change!! So where do I start?!!?
Publicerad 2010-09-21 21:43:07 i Allmänt,
My internet is so slow at the moment that Im going crazy!!! What is the problem? Im givin SVT Play one more try for the night and unless it works I guess I have to hang on FB all night... Or atleast for one hour before I can go to bed...
And to top it all of, my Spotify doesn't work :(
Eish, I just wanted to relax after 7 hours in school, sigh...
With Love!
Publicerad 2010-09-19 12:56:25 i Allmänt,
Not because I have a broken heart but because John Mayer writes songs that move you to the core...
Today its sunday. But its also election day. And the day that one of my friends might become a mother :)
Just finished my book. Made a little schedule for how I should manage to get through all the books in the coming four weeks and I have it under control :) It looks like a can relax and really be on holiday to :)
Today its the end of my cleaningweek so I need to bake a cake, clean the corridor and buy some groceries. Keep your fingers crossed that my chocolate-cake will be perfect!
With Love!
Publicerad 2010-09-19 00:02:26 i Allmänt,
I first saw this movie in 2004 when it first premiered. I was 17 years old. I saw it with my two younger siblings, at the time 15 and 11 of age. I did understand the main features of the movie but I can't say that I did get the point of it. A couple of years ago my sister, who has grown up to become somewhat of a movielover, absoulutely fell inlove with the title and consequently also the movie after she saw it again. And the same happened to me. Suddenly I got it, what was going on in the movie and why.
Yesterday I couldn't sleep and for some reason I started to think about this movie and how maybe, sometimes a questionmark should end the sentence. Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind? Is it a guarantee that you will become eternally happy after your mind has erased its painful memories? Isn't part of being a human the fact that all that fill our mind is not happy thoughts? Maybe that makes us who we are? Imagine the world with people that has spotless minds. No bad memories what so ever... I can understand that some memories are better erased for the sake of your sanity but maybe the memories of a partner, a friend that betrayed you, a horrible mugging is there to help you? Is it your hardships that keeps you going? Maybe it takes a fool to remain sane? Maybe only happy memories will make you insane?
Just some thoughts...
With Love!
Publicerad 2010-09-17 17:17:55 i Allmänt,
Gosh, I just came home from down town and I'm all stressed up! I can feel it, my body is getting wobbly and I just need to do everything at lights speed... Jo! Its like I don't have time to relax... And I don't even know why?
Spent the morning in the library and after lunch I walked to town to do some shopping. I wanted shoes and some proper autumn clothes and I came home with a few items. I love them!! :) Since Im a student I shopped a nice pair of cheap shoes for autumn/winter at Skopunkten and then I found some stuff at Indiska. I love Indiska.. I could by more there from scarves to skirts and bracelets. But now my consiousness stopped me so that I would be able to survive the rest of this month so two knittet shirts/cardigans will do for now...
Now I'm home trying to calm down with music...
With Love!
Publicerad 2010-09-16 17:36:45 i Allmänt,
Publicerad 2010-09-16 14:24:46 i Allmänt,
Yes, finally my internet works again! It was hectic to be without it for a while :p No music which makes the room too quiet...
Todag I'm at home... Wanted to take a day of leisure after finishing Borgerlig Offentlighet... Now I'm about to start Reading the Romance which seems to be an easy understood book if you compare it to Habermas!!! Its about romance novels ("tantsnusk") and what the readers think of it and how it shows their social reality.. Sounds interesting :)
By the way, "Guldet blev till sand" always gives me the chills... Thank you Spotify :p
Publicerad 2010-09-14 20:45:36 i Allmänt,
What are you thinking about?
Publicerad 2010-09-12 18:42:43 i Allmänt,
Sometimes, when least expected, Im filled with a feeling of happiness.
Because Im doing fine with my studies,
because I have the best friends a girl can ask for,
because I can manage by myself,
because I get to experience the ups and downs of love,
because I have a cool boyfriend,
because I love to travel and thats what Im going to do,
because I have a family that is perfect,
because I have a little room where I can relax,
because I can put my mind into it and get stuff done,
because I love music.
Just because Im living my life without limits :)
Publicerad 2010-09-12 16:51:29 i Allmänt,
This is where I spend my lazy sundays:

Its small but I like it... I am especially happy with my idea with the magazines :) If you are a student with a limited economy you take what you have, nails and a piece of string and suddenly you have a decoration ;p
With Love!
Publicerad 2010-09-11 21:45:11 i Allmänt,
Tonight I feel I deserve a night of doing nothing. Was in school today between 9.45 and 16.20 which resulted in 130 pages of Art and Illusion. It feels good.. Now I can actually do nothing tomorrow :) Or atleast not set the alarm... The day is still packed... Cleaning, washing, going for nails, putting some paintings and stuff up on the wall, a walk, a short PM...
Now my hair smells of "rainforest" and I only have 7% left before the battery on my laptop is finished...
With Love!
Publicerad 2010-09-09 21:49:29 i Allmänt,
I went to school and spent the day there for 6 hours until my head was full. I went home and sat infront of the computor for a while, booked a hotel for our girlsweekend :D Then I went for a walk with Michael Jackson in my Ipod. When I came home I took a nice long shower and then I made a nice sallad with shrimps and lots of cheese :) And then I actually started to read my book Art and Illusion... At half past 8 in the evening?!? Hehe... But it is a nice book so far and I can really see it helping me in my profession as a real museum worker ;p
Now Im going to read the magazine that I got from the bestest mother ever when she sent me some stuff for my room...
With Love!
Publicerad 2010-09-09 18:17:31 i Allmänt,
And after that Im of to be with my man for a couple of days :)
Publicerad 2010-09-08 22:29:16 i Allmänt,
This is where we are going on the 1st of October :D
Psyched :p
Publicerad 2010-09-08 18:58:58 i Allmänt,
Have to go out in the kitchen and prepare some food. Eish, but this is a day I just want someone to make it for me :p But no, Im going to be healthy this time around and just eat junk on the weekends ;)
Finished my book today so Im way ahead in my schedule. But I can't be to lazy now ey, I have a plan to read as much as possible before I leave for the south... Keeping my fingers crossed that my books will be here before the end of this week...
Listening to Spotify, FreeshlyGround... They always makes me happy.
With Love!
Publicerad 2010-09-07 18:43:28 i Allmänt,
Woop, now my room is in order. All I feel I need now is a big mirror... Maybe I should try to get mine up here next time? Ill show you pictures when I have been in the storageroom with my boxes :p
Spend 6 hours at UB today and I read 90 pages. That alot for me!!!! :D
Now Im off to have dinner with old friends... Lovely!
This is a good day :)
With Love
Publicerad 2010-09-06 22:32:43 i Allmänt,
One week in Umeå. I am reading, reading, reading.. Mixing it with a little shopping, partying and long walks. And my calendar is getting filled with fun adventures in the near future. Be prepared to see my face in the south of Sweden in just a couple of weeks ;p But at the same time, I still have to, guess what!??!, read... Oh my... Guess there won't be many lunchdates at Thai this time around :p
Today the weather here was lovely. For the last couple of days the temperature has gone up and we can enjoy the last days of summer. I actually was thinking of walking in a t-shirt today but since I have a cold or something waitnig for me around the corner I decided not to.
I still have some finishing touches in my room to do but I guess with a lamp, some extension cords (isn't that just perfect, 4 power points in my little room and still I can't get the lamp by my bed to reach one!), a mat and some green plants I will be all set. Don't worry Elin, I will not forget to water them :p
Now its time for bed, tomorrow I'm going to school and in the evening I'm off to dinner with Eve and Mattias :)
With Love!
Publicerad 2010-09-04 12:03:12 i Allmänt,
Okej, the sun is shining and I bet its cold outside but its time for the first walk by Nydalasjön with Eve. Here we go!!
Publicerad 2010-09-01 09:40:49 i Allmänt,
Today I get acces to my room and te sun is shining. Only have school at 3 pm so Im going to fetch my key before noon and take my bags and see whats going on.
With Love!