I can see clearly now...
I know that all of these things are not true. Not at all... But that is what makes me question myself sometimes. Im getting better at facing whats best for me though and realizing that whatever I think about myself is probably not true. When I was younger I even thought that I was not good enough to ever have close friends. But look at me now... I have friends that I love, friends that know all about me and that I won't even hesitate to call when I feel sad or down or happy... Friends that include me and think of me as one of the girls. Friends that sms me and wants to go for "fika"...
This just came to me. This is why I act like I do. Insecure and hesitant. I keep bothering myself with the life of someone else instead of enjoying the life that I have here. Im too caught up in the world around me and to bothered what other people think of me instead of seeing the good things that people I care about and that care about me think. What difference does it make that I check his FB every day to see who his friends are? He wants me, no one else. What different does it make that I have a couple of points less then the rest of the class? Im still qualified to be there and just as good as the rest of the students!
I don't think I'm good enough to be someone. Well, thats got to change!! So where do I start?!!?