I know a place
I'm tired 24/7 these days and I don't have the energy do do anything productive at all which affects me trying to find a job. Sigh. But I'm not complaining, I figured that as long as I have a job I will try to work as much as I can to make some money before autumn. I'm sitting in the sofa by Elin&Jocke&Johanna now and I'm about to finish my last ever school assignment and email it to my teacher. After that I have to take a walk down town to buy some groceries and stuff... This evening I'm going to Emelie's to just have a cozy evening :)

I need to stop thinking about everything, about someone, its messing up my mind and I don't want that!

I need to stop thinking about everything, about someone, its messing up my mind and I don't want that!