I wish I could change the world for you
The spinning yesterday was sooo much fun! It was exhausting and for a moment there I thought that my legs where going to die a little. And when I got cramp in my left calf I thought I was going to give up. But no, I took it easy for a while and then I was over that famous threshold. The funny thing is even though I do feel my legs today the worst stiffness is in my arms, writing this is not very comfy :p

After that me, Tayfun, Margareta and Johan went to Alpina for pizza. They were huge but so lekka. I should have done as Margareta who ordered a smaller one. When we got back to the house we were all tired.
This morning I had trouble getting up but I managed and now I'm here at the library again. Tonight there is a informations gathering with YFU at the college.

Me in my new YFU t-shirt :p

After that me, Tayfun, Margareta and Johan went to Alpina for pizza. They were huge but so lekka. I should have done as Margareta who ordered a smaller one. When we got back to the house we were all tired.
This morning I had trouble getting up but I managed and now I'm here at the library again. Tonight there is a informations gathering with YFU at the college.

Me in my new YFU t-shirt :p