Publicerad 2011-06-29 23:08:21 i Allmänt,
A bit tired and sunburnt but oh, I'm so happy right now!Midummer was spent on Djurgårn with the gang from Bandhagen. We had a picnic and afterwards we went to their place to eat and play games. My oldest friends! I've known Emelie my entire life, isn't that cool!!

I've been...playing with Noel.
having latenight gametime with the family.
metting my friends more often.
dancing to soft reagge.
drinking sweet cocktails.
tanning and talking nonsense.
eating out and about.
watched movies and drooling over Johnny Depp.
Now its time to sleep, getting ready for yet another day :DNitenite!
Publicerad 2011-06-29 17:20:50 i Allmänt,
Today after work:

We took Noel for a walk and had picnic in "Kohagen". I
Its fun to remember when you were young and played all around Sunnerby. There are so many memories here!
Publicerad 2011-06-22 09:29:44 i Allmänt,
Today I have the day off. So actually I could be up for as long as I wanted yesterday but I was too tired so I fell asleep quite early :) My day off I will spend writing abit and jogging... And then just relaxing. Tomorrow I start 5.30 am :p

Publicerad 2011-06-21 20:17:10 i Allmänt,
I came home from work today around 12ish. And now I have tomorrow off too, it feels awesome! I'm most looking forward to being able to sleep for as long as I want to or atleast stay in bed until atleast 9 :) Yesterday I was at Jessicas place with Mickan. We ate popcorn, watched Project Runway and talked and laughed.
Can't wait for Turkey :DToday I've been struggling with my dress almost the whole day. I needed to make it shorter and jo, it was so hard. The sewing machine didn't want to cooperate but in the end it was ok. After that I unpacked some boxes and cleaned my room.
And look, my mom and dad bought a microwave!!

Mainly so it would be easier to heat up the food for Noel... This is big news because as some of you know, the Fernströms never ever owned a microwave! I don't think I'll ever get used to it though and still leave the meat that needs defrosting on the counter :p
Publicerad 2011-06-19 14:19:37 i Allmänt,

Bare legs, Converse, best friends and some drinks on a chilly summernight.... <3
Publicerad 2011-06-17 20:19:13 i Allmänt,
Today I spent the whole day in Nynäs. After some work for 2 hours I went home to Elin and Johanna to have lunch. The rain was pouring down so it was much better that I crashed their place then that they had to pack everything and go outside. We had lunch and talked alot. Its been along time since we talked and it was so nice.
Elin is so sweet and Johanna is the cutest happiest baby ever :)

After 2 hours of work between 14.30 and 16.30 I went to Willy's because I had to buy some stuff for the shop. Since its friday I bought some sweets and a magazine for me aswell. I got a yellow bikini for free :)
Now I'm home and I'm exhausted and full after supper with haloumi and lots of veggies! Time to relax infront of the TV!Cheers!
Publicerad 2011-06-16 22:51:06 i Allmänt,
Okej, I have absolutely no inspiration to write what so ever. I am alive, working everyday, can't wait for wednesday, the first day when I can sleep for aslong as I want to in 10 days.. Yesterday I ran Grillfemman, 5 kilometres in 32 minutes. But the best part, I beat mom ;) Today I've been working the whole day. Tomorrow its more work but I'm also going to meet Elin, finally!! When I get home after my second workshift I have to do some washing. On saturday its a birthdayparty and cocktailparty.
My life and I love it!
Publicerad 2011-06-13 16:37:43 i Allmänt,
Aren't the babies and children around me the cutest ever:




My heart melts!!
Publicerad 2011-06-12 21:42:50 i Allmänt,
Gosh, what a day! I was more or less tired when the alarm went off this morning. Time for work! Worked until 12ish and after some calls (I am the "boss" now for a week so I have to take care of the whole business :O:S) I took the bus home. After some left over sallad outside me and mommy headed for Kvantum. And jo, when we got home both of us were exhausted and I had a headache. A nice nap on the back veranda did the trick. Had supper and ended up infront of the TV. But I was to tired so now I'm ready for bed.

Yesterday I worked until 11, met Jessica, Mickan and Jonas in the harbour and showed Jonas the town. We went grocery shopping and went back to Sorunda. Jessica came by abit earlier and we sat in the back just relaxing before we made our gigantic sallad ;) Mickan, Jonas, Yennipher, Oskar and Linnéa came at about 6ish and the
braai was on its way. Salmon and meat and strawberries and icecream later we were so full but ready for Freja. Headed down to Nynäs and had one beer before we decided to call it a day. I was in bed by 1...
Now I have to sleep, early morning tomorrow.
Publicerad 2011-06-10 21:43:11 i Allmänt,
This day has been sunny and perfect. Had breakfast outside, it was soooo hot! Took a shower and took the bus to Nynäs with sister. She needed to run some errands and I wanted to look for a bag. Ended up buying a new bag and some sunglasses. When we finished we had icecream in the harbour, as always ;) I had carrotcake (soso), rocky road (yummyyum!) and saffron/honey. After one hour in by the sea, listening to some drunks I headed to work and sister went home. Work actually went quite fast and I finished at 8ish.
Now I'm sitting with mom and dad outside in the backyard. They are looking at houses and I'm just, ja, writing this...
Tomorrow its work and after that I will meet friends and we are going to BBQ at my parents house. Lovely!
This is how I wore my new Converse, that my sweet mom bought for me, today. With my cute little white socks. Love!

With Love!
Publicerad 2011-06-09 10:37:22 i Allmänt,
The best thing about being able to read DN from start to finish is the small section in the back of the Arts and Culturepages. Its called
Stockholm i mitt hjärta and almost every day one of the people working at the newspaper writes a short on-the-spot-account of our capital. It shows the city from all angles and I always read it when I have the time.
Stadsbiblioteket 19.57
Det var en gång på Stadsbiblioteket som taket rasade in över mig.
Under studieåren levde jag i läsesalen till höger uppför trappan. Egentligen inte för att jag pluggade särskilt ihärdigt, utan för att där kändes det som om jag gjorde det.
I stället plöjde jag först filosofihyllan och gick vidare med psykologi. På ett sätt var det här jag blev jag. I alla fall delvis. Jag hittade min inre kompass. Eller så hade den alltid funnits där, men min nål fastnade i en tydlig riktning. Jag lärde mig om livet och människorna, jag fick fler ord till mitt ständiga vardagsfilosoferande. Teori blev min bas för att fatta beslut i praktiken. Ibland blir det fel. Och jag försöker förlåta mig själv, give the girl a brejk.
Det var på f jag fick en smäll rakt i ansiktet så hela huvudet svällde upp till en fyrkantig låda. F som i Erich Fromm och ”Flykten från friheten”. Om hur skrämmande det är att ta ansvar för sitt eget liv – och våga välja att göra det. Smällen var insikten om att det viktigaste jag har, det är min frihet. Men också det svåraste.
Written by Maria Ringborg,
Publicerad 2011-06-09 08:26:48 i Allmänt,
I'm lying in my bed at the moment. I woke up at 8 but I'm not quite ready to leave bed yet. In awhile I'm going to prepare a nice breakfast and hope that the clouds disappear. I want to sit outside...

This was my lunch yesterday.
Nothing better than to sit in our backyard with a newspaper and just relax after work!My work only starts at 7pm today so before that I promised my mom to clean the top floor. Think I will continue with my room aswell, almost there ;)
Publicerad 2011-06-07 15:55:31 i Allmänt,
I haven't been able to run for more then a week! I've just been to busy and now I ended up with this stupid cold. And the thing that I was training for is next week... Haha, well, atleast I feel that I'm going to continue running every once and awhile even after Grillfemman. That feels good :) That was the goal, to be able to take up running and getting my body to work again so I'm happy with that...
Publicerad 2011-06-07 08:24:38 i Allmänt,
Today its tuesday and the first workday for my parents. This means that I home alone since my sister went to her man yesterday. So what I think I'll do is try to finish my essay (not much left but still).
It seems lika almost everyone has a cold at the moment. This weekend my throat was killing me and on monday I had a very husky voice and some cough. This morning when I woke up my nose was running and for what I know, my voice is
gone! Maybe it will work wonders that I'm home alone and quiet all day?! ;)
I have to clean my room too if I get the time. I'm having all my friends over on saturday and my rooma can't look like this:
Oops :p
Publicerad 2011-06-06 17:41:23 i Allmänt,
Food, icecream and girltalk in the harbour:
Publicerad 2011-06-04 18:09:20 i Allmänt,
I'm now back with my parents and as the first summerdays are here I spend most of them outside. I just love the fact that I'm
almost free from schoolwork and now I'm just spending my days doing nothing, hanging with family and friends and sleeping. Today I got abit tanned (strangely it takes ages for me).
I got this nice bracelet from my parents since I graduated:

Its a heart and a disc with
Elin and
Museolog 2011.