Publicerad 2010-07-29 18:32:15 i Allmänt,
Finally, after years and years and thousands of emails I managed to get my emails from SpeedDate to stop...
Jes :D
Publicerad 2010-07-27 11:42:59 i Allmänt,
Uhm, its been hectic days!
On friday I had the whole day off and I spend it with Jennie. The weather didn't allow swiming so we ended up in the apartment watching Beverly Hills and talking talking. In the evening I went to my parents house for dinner and my brother came home from his work at summercamp aswell so we had a nice evening with oh so nice food...
On saturday I started work at 6 am and the plan was that I was going to party in the evening but instead I ended up at my parents house. I was not feeling good and almost went to the doctor but thanks to my moms friend (a doctor) I didn't have to. But, I have the most amazing friends <3 And my family is worth gold, always there for me <3
On sunday I started 6 am again and it was chaos at work. The boats were delayed and that means that people want to buy things. Jo, the kiosk looked like a mess and we hade to work overtime abit. After that me and mom and dad went o visit grandma quick and then I had dinner there again.
Monday I worked as normal, but it was still abit delays and hectic.
When I got home I just collapsed in the sofa and thats were I stayed for the entire day! I watched TV and Finding Nemo.
Today its sunny and I only start work at 3 pm...
With Love!
Publicerad 2010-07-23 09:33:04 i Allmänt,
Even if the clouds are gathering outside my heart is filled with sun.
You made my day love!
Publicerad 2010-07-22 15:16:42 i Allmänt,
Lately I've been really really close on deciding to get a tattoo. Not now obviously because I still want to enjoy the summer and the sun but maybe later? I'm still not sure though... But in that case I know exactly what I want and where I want it.
Before I've been abit reluctant about the whole idea becasue I feel that today most people are getting tattoos and in some strange way I wanted to be abit eccentric and not do it. It was the same with the fact that I didn't pierce my ears until I was 18... So maybe that feeling has gone and I have realized that you can be unique anyway?
Well, I don't know what will happen but indeed there is a though growning in my head...
Publicerad 2010-07-22 10:55:54 i Allmänt,
This morning I could sleep in for the first time in a while. I woke up at 9 am and just went straight to the TV. I had breakfast an hour ago and now I'm just sitting here doing nothing. Taking a shower soon.
Todays agenda includes a bit of work, doing the dishes and washing my clothes. Jo, I really need that, I barely have anything to wear :p
And by the way, I think I'm on edge of becoming a real shopaholic... I saw the cutest undies at Lindex and eventhough it is the end of the month and my card is scarily empty I had to buy them. Eish... But now I feel better so it was worth it but I have to watch it:p
With Love!
Publicerad 2010-07-20 15:57:17 i Allmänt,
I took a walk, without my phone, in the hot summerday.
I bought an icecream in the harbour and saw the tourists running about.
I stopped by the shop and talked to my boss.
I went to the centre to buy groceries.
I went home...
Thats my day. At the moment my head hurts and soon I have to cook before leaving for work.
With Love!
Publicerad 2010-07-20 11:32:07 i Allmänt,
Once again I had the weirdest dreams ever. And it involved animals.
This time I was sitting on the loo, as you do... And suddenly a big brown rat came towards me and jumped up on the toilet and crawled down it, pushing me aside. I woke up as I was screaming "NO"..
Uh ah ah...
Now I have to do the dishes and try to be happy all the time...
Publicerad 2010-07-19 20:19:30 i Allmänt,
And let me just say, you are not cool because you smoke and leave the table in an absolute mess...
Were is the respect in this world?!?!?!
Publicerad 2010-07-17 11:09:16 i Allmänt,
Everyone who knows me knows that I am extremely clumpsy. A couple a minutes ago I dropped an earring when I was trying to get it of my "jewelleryhand". Of course I can't find it now. Eish...
Yesterday as I was making breakfast I dropped the yoghurtcontainer on my thigh and this is the result:

Luckily the container was closed but to spill something all over the floor is usually my speciality. Just the other day I accidently dropped almost all of Elins and Jockes lemonade on the floor.
And to top it all off, I bruise like a peach...
Publicerad 2010-07-17 00:14:39 i Allmänt,
...invisible cause you ignore me?
Publicerad 2010-07-16 18:46:55 i Allmänt,
I'm alone in the apartment, Elin and Jocke are off to the north for a while so I'm going to be ruling by myself here in Nynäs. Right now I'm watching TV and preparing for work later tonight.
Today me and Jennie went to Farsta and when I got home I was a couple of hundred SEK poorer. Ah, well, I needed everything so I think its fine.
I got accepted in Umeå and therefore the search for a place to stay starts for real now.
With Love!
Publicerad 2010-07-13 17:37:13 i Allmänt,

Henrik "Zäta" Zetterberg, check.
Eric Gadd, check.
Kleerup, check.
Plus-Sverker, check.
What a summer this is turning out to be ;) I get abit starstruck, I must admit it, and seeing Zäta was cool. He wanted a hotdog with ketchup and strong mustard for everyones info :p
Publicerad 2010-07-13 17:15:30 i Allmänt,
The days go so quick here. I'm working every day for atleast this week and the next and eventhought it is not for long it makes you tired. Especiallly with this heat!! Its crazy how warm it is at the moment. After work today me and Elin took a walk to Nicksta to catch a tan and swim abit. To be at home is not an option. It was nice at Nicksta because there was a little breeze that kept you a bit cooler (:p) then on our balcony.
Now we are just chillaxing.
With Love!
Publicerad 2010-07-10 15:34:34 i Allmänt,
Today I miss my man. I don't know what came over me? I just want to lie down and cry and dream of his arms around me and his sweet voice.
I guess I just have one of those days and it sucks...
Publicerad 2010-07-06 22:04:45 i Allmänt,
Today was a normal day. Work in the morning, cleaning when I got home, coffee with brother and mother and then coffee with Mickan and Jessica <3 Happy "nameday" Jessica :) She had bought the most cutest little puppy in the world... Love!!
Now I'm drinking milk and watching Holland - Uruguay...
With Love!
Publicerad 2010-07-01 22:21:09 i Allmänt,
Just came home from a night with the girls. A real summernight in Nynäshamn. We started with an ice cream in the harbour, chocolate, vanilla and blueberry cheesecake :) We sat there for hours just relaxing and observing the tourists in their very luxurious boats. When our stomachs started to scream for food we decided to go to Rotundan and with a glas of cider and some nice food we sat there for some more hours. After that we took a walk, checking out Nynäshamnsdagarna and Lili & Sussi.
I'm really happy! Everything seems to be going my way. I'm inlove with a man that makes me smile and I have the best friends in the world :)