The sight of you leaves me weak

Tonight I might meet Jessica :)
With Love
My glass is waiting for some fresh ice cubes
I'm getting a new phone.
These are my options:
Samsung Galaxy S

HTC Desire

The thing is, the only things I want to be able to do with my phone is make calls, write messages and check my email since I'm traveling back and forth all the time.
So what do you think?
I'm gonna love you like I've never been hurt before
It means that I missed the Royel Wedding today but as soon as I got access to the internet I looked at the pictures. Lovely:) I love Kates dress!

As Jessica said, I also want to get married in Westminster Abbey ;)
So now I'm in the library again, going to try to sit here until they close at 6.
Cross the border
I actually got some studying done today and I made a "studybuddy". We watched eachothers stuff while the other were off to the bathroom and at the end we started talking abit. Nice! Its so different from Falun where I spent the days by myself. After I was done at the library I took the bus to Daniel place. Me and Daniel went to South Africa together. Had supper there and went to Eriks place. This is where I will be sleeping the coming nights. Erik went to the US the same year as I went to SA. Tomorrow its the library again and I think I will explore the town aswell. Atleast a little bit.
Now, an episode of How I met you mother. Erik is off to celebrate finishing his exam so I'm alone at the moment.
With Love!
Do you come here much?
Now I'm starving, had breakfast at 6 am so...
With Love!
Today I met Jessica and Emelie in Nynäs. The first icecream in the harbour :)

After we said good bye I went to Elin, Jocke and little Johanna. It was nice as always!
I'm so glad I'm going to spend the summer here with my friends and my famliy <3
Day 7: 4 things that turns me off
Guys who expect me to keep the conversation going
Desperate guys
Ugly shoes

Day 6: 5 things I want to do
I want to go on holiday with my friends
I want to get through my last term
I want to get a job
I want to get my own apartment
I want to buy a kinds of clothes

Day 5: 6 men I find very good-looking

Diego Forlán

Heath Ledger

Reggie Bush

Jesse Williams

Ryan Peake

Day 4: 7 things I think about alot
What it would be like to be in a "real" relationship.
What I want to do when my life after graduation starts.
Hm, I always think of a song, ALWAYS. Right now its September and Petter - Baksmälla.
That I'm going to fall seriously ill again.
That I need to study but that I don't feel like it.
What other people think of me.

Couple of days
I arrived sunday to a rainy Åre. My parents and sister met me at the trainstation.
On monday we fetched my skiis and by 10ish we were on the slopes. The snow was pretty bad but we got some nice skiing out of it before we called it a day and went back to the apartment. Totally exhausted and all sunburnt.
Tuesday and the sun was shining. After a couple of rides at the top of the mountain I met up with Mickan, her sister and friends for Restaurangrace. Oh, it was wonderful! And it was so nice to get together with Mickan again <3 We ended up seeing Pink Hink at Fjälllgården. It was awesome and I didn't feel like I had any troubles at that moment. When I got home I has supper, left for partying at Rödkullen and later we went to Bygget. James + 45(!!) ;) I was tired after a long day so I went home by 1ish. But I love Bygget, the music and the atmosphere :D
Wednesday and I woke up tired. The weather was not so very good so we decided on a day off. I studied abit before we went for lunch at Holiday Club. After that After Ski at Fjällgården again. Were I had to show my ID and the guy exclaimed "Wow, born 87?! Well done!" That made my day and from there on it was uphill...
Now I'm about to sleep, tomorrow its skiing on the agenda.
Day 3: 8 ways to win my heart
Be caring and considerate.
Surprise me with a romantic gesture every once and awhile.
Comfort me when I feel down.
Show that you think of me.
Talk as much as I do.
Make me laugh.
Show me that I'm part of your life.

This time baby I'll be bulletproof
I'm so tired now! I'm even too tired to concentrate on watching a movie.
All I want now is a glass of wine and alot of girltalk!
Day 2: 9 things about me
I find symbols very interesting. The dreamcatcher, the red kabbalah bracelet...
I worry and analyze things constantly. Isn't it about money, its about my health, school.. You name it!
I feel the most happy when I'm among people.

As the years have gone by, my friends have started to mean the world to me! My life would suck without you!
Heights scare me! When I was on top of the Empire State Building I stayed inside by the souvenir shops.
When I was about 18 months I had a surgery on my eyes since I was, and still am, squint-eyed. After the operation I had to wear an eyepatch and I looked like a pirate.
I definitly want to live on the coast! I don't like the moist warmth in the inland...
I love cheese! If I have to be without for a couple of days I miss it! Haha, sounds abit weird!
Day 1: 10 things I want to do before I die
I took this from Jessica:

I want to visit all the continents.
I want to live in New York and celebrate New Years Eve at Times Square.

I want to learn a new langage.
I want to visit either the winter or the summer Olympics.

I want to travel with the Pink Busses.

I want to have children.
I want to work at UNESCO.
I want to see Northern Lights.

I want to learn how to drive a car.
You are the only exception

The only thing missing is company...
When I wake up
Anyway, in the library now, preparing for studying. But before that I just have to say. This girl,Izza, always writes posts written from the heart that really touches me.
With Love!
Just ate dinner and now I'm just chillaxing in my room. Or actually, I share it with this other girl. Named Elin.. Ah, the irony :p I'm already tired so it won't be a long night for me, of that I'm sure. Tomorrow I'm going to run some, don't know where but I'll find something :p

Luckily there is a church in the middle of town so whenever I find that I know where I'm going ;)

Lekka view of the exhibition :)
Risky business
I got on the train yesterday at 20.32. This morning I was in Uppsala. I almost missed my connecting train because I had to run three times for the heavy boxes. And to get the boxes from the station in Falun to the library was not easy. But now I'm here and eventhough I have blisters on my hands and all I want to do is to take a shower I have to wait until I can check in at the old prison. Yep, I'm spending my nights in an old prison, scary huh!
But it was worth all the carrying, its training for my arms and the exhibition does look nice :)
So, when I'm done here there is lunch on the schedule, check in at the B&B and some exploring of the town.
With Love!
Smiling faces
With Love!
Its a new day.
These following weeks are going to be hectic, I don't have time for days like yesterday!

Now, a new week, I'm not going to let anything get me down...
What do you expect?

What do you think? ;)
Super saturday!

It takes a fool to remain sane
Had a terrible night and I'm still tired:( Woke up like every second hour and by 9.30 I was sick of trying to sleep some more :p And the house makes all these cracking noises, like the building is wakin up from a cold winter...
But today its nice weather outside and I think the plan is "solstolsplugg". Sounds good to me :)

At the end of the week
After the whole day at the library, a walk to the university and the station to fetch some tickets I could finally relax. When I was making food KG came running:
ELIN! Where are you?!
KG! Uhm, in the kitchen...
Its Twilight tonight...
We rented New Moon. You've seen the first movie right?!?! Movietime!
Eh, ok...
So, after reading some about Cultural Geography we started watching the movie.

And, please, don't kill me, but that was like the worst movie I have ever seen!! The werewolves looked stupid, the vampires lame. And Bella? She seems like a lame character, not very fun to be around and just rude...
Na, the whole movie was just slow :p
Haha, so there, I'm done dissing the movie now.
Now I'm going to sleep... Nitenite!
What a wonderful world
I feel motivated today. Can it be because the sun is shining, I could wear my "leather" jacket today, its friday, I was running this morning, I have a good hairday today and I ate a great big breakfast? :)
With Love
Don't let my heart die
So now I'm number 40 in the telephone queue, yey ;)
I'm glad I have speaker phone, otherwise I would go crazy!!
What a difference a day makes
I already know some things that could be better but since its my first exhibit I don't stress too much :) Its going to be nice to travel with it.
Now I'm sitting in school, time for studying.
With Love!
I'm holding my breath until you come back again
Today I couldn't get up eventhough the sun woke me up early. I got up at 12(!!!), got dressed and ate some brunch. After that I took a walk downtown for some errends and then I walked home. All to try to compensate for me not running yesterday. Tomorrow I'm on the right track again, I promise. I need it to release some nervousness before I go to the library.
Listening to September. I like it :)
All the am
Yesterday before I went to sleep I read Medecins Sans Frontiers magazine Direkt. I read this article about the need of not only medicines but also psychological help. Suddenly this paragrapgh on culture and its importance comes up. Don't you think I run for a pen and marks the space?

Läkare Utan Gränser
Well, it can be useful in writing my essay.. Sigh, haha :)
Got the best of me
We ended up at Cover Club where Pink Hink (haha) was the band of the evening. After some dramatic "fyllekäk" at Donken which ended up with an ambulance for some guy we took a taxi home and I was in bed by 3.30 am.
This morning when I woke up I was tired after only a few hours of sleep but surprisingly little hung over. After all, I had 3 shots and other drinks during th evening and it didn't make me superdrunk.
Thanx for a nice night out and about :)
Today I've been playing MarioCart with Ivan who had to go to work after a couple of hours.
I've been eating a delicious bananacake that Jacob made.
With Love!
Now put your hands up
After that I went in to H&M, I wanted to buy some things for tonight. Since I'm about to get 13000:- (!!!) back on my taxes I decided to treat myself with some new things that I've been keeping my eyes on for a while. Also a ring from Glitter and a new case for my make-up followed me home.
Na, hit the shower and off we go...
With Love!
Like a volcano
This morning when I woke up I really didn't feel like running. But I forced myself and it went quite well to be honest.
When I got back I had breakfast and after putting on make up I headed for school. Read abit, borrowed more books and talked to the teacher about my essay. Finally I know how to do this! After reading I met up some friends at EPP (Efter-Plugg-Pub). I had some weird buffé and some beers. Jo, it got to me straight away, haha...
Went home and crashed on my bed starting to watch Sex and the City and here I am now. Strangely calm and soon I'm ready for bed. I just have to eat something before I sleep...
With Love!
It wasn't logic, it was love...
I couldn't have said it better myself Carrie!