
Wherever the past, the present and the future takes me, this is my corner...

I see you driving down the street with the girl I love

Publicerad 2010-12-16 11:57:36 i Allmänt,

I'm sitting in school, using their internet and keeping my fingers crossed that a package from Telia has landed in my mailbox when I get home. Today I'm going to work on my PM. The problem is that I don't really know what to do. Ah, just the final touches I guess. And I could have been done by now sitting on an airplane...

What more is new?

I feel calm, it was 23 degrees on tuesday here in Umeå, yesterday I ate nice dinner with Mattias and Eve and we had ice-cream in the corridor. The days are slowly passing by and I hope that this time my calmness will remain for a long time. This time I really do think so and if I could choose, it will!!
I'm also looking forward to being an auntie, I'm worried about my Elin and I'm almost done with all my christmas gifts.

With Love!


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Den här bloggen är jag. Den kan ibland vara fylld med känslor och tankar men är lika glad och virrig som jag kan vara. Jag älskar min familj och mina vänner, engelska böcker, olympiska spelen, fikabröd, höstlöv, att dansa, promenader, Morgonpasset i P3, ost, träna, snö, skidåkning och att sjunga i duschen. Jag ogillar hat, kapris, när mitt nagellack flagnar, att stressa, orättvisor, att hänga tvätt, människor utan respekt och fötter på tågsäten. Välkommen till mitt lilla hörn i en stor värld.



Prenumerera och dela