
Wherever the past, the present and the future takes me, this is my corner...

Big lights will inspire you, let's hear it for New York, New York.....

Publicerad 2010-06-04 23:32:13 i Allmänt,

About a week ago my sister and me saw Sex and the City 2 and I actually liked the movie even though all the critics seem to think the opposite. I'm not going to tell you the whole story and ruin it for you but one thing in caught my attention. As we all now, Carrie gets her Mr Big. And I love how they say that marriage does not have to be about tradition, we all make our own rules to make it work. And for some reason I could relate to that so much. We make our on rules in our love and thats it. It gives me a sense of hope. A relationship is not between you and the rest of the world. Its about two people who make up their own rules to make it work. It just went straight to my heart...

And also, on a more superficial level, I just love how Samanthas nails are painted GOLD. Give me now!!!


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Den här bloggen är jag. Den kan ibland vara fylld med känslor och tankar men är lika glad och virrig som jag kan vara. Jag älskar min familj och mina vänner, engelska böcker, olympiska spelen, fikabröd, höstlöv, att dansa, promenader, Morgonpasset i P3, ost, träna, snö, skidåkning och att sjunga i duschen. Jag ogillar hat, kapris, när mitt nagellack flagnar, att stressa, orättvisor, att hänga tvätt, människor utan respekt och fötter på tågsäten. Välkommen till mitt lilla hörn i en stor värld.



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