
Wherever the past, the present and the future takes me, this is my corner...

Its on!

Publicerad 2010-10-16 00:18:01 i Allmänt,

Spent the whole day today in Nynäs. But first of all, gosh, the weather today was so beautiful! The first time that I felt that its autumn and the sun was shining and the leaves were red... Started my day at the library in Nynäs. I thought you were taught very early that you are suppose to be quiet in a library, I guess I was mistaken :( But anyway, I managed to read more than 30 pages and after a quick spin in the centre I took a walk to Elin. We talked and just relaxed... In the evening we met Jessica at Willys to buy food for the evening. Mickan joined us and we had a nice, quiet "fredagsmys" with tacos and sweets. Watched Idols and discussed boys,exes and everything else between heaven and earth. Its nights like this that I was looking forward to when growing up. No partying(but of course thats fun too ;p) but just the fact that we can do what we want and I love it.
Sweet dreams! Tomorrow I'm setting the alarm on 7 am and me and sister is of to Örebro to visit brother and girlfriend:)
With Love!


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Den här bloggen är jag. Den kan ibland vara fylld med känslor och tankar men är lika glad och virrig som jag kan vara. Jag älskar min familj och mina vänner, engelska böcker, olympiska spelen, fikabröd, höstlöv, att dansa, promenader, Morgonpasset i P3, ost, träna, snö, skidåkning och att sjunga i duschen. Jag ogillar hat, kapris, när mitt nagellack flagnar, att stressa, orättvisor, att hänga tvätt, människor utan respekt och fötter på tågsäten. Välkommen till mitt lilla hörn i en stor värld.



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