
Wherever the past, the present and the future takes me, this is my corner...

The waking up is the hardest part

Publicerad 2010-10-21 11:23:45 i Allmänt,

Eish, today is not a good day. To be honest, it started yesterday when I was getting ready for bed. All I could think of was how he drove his car on the way to the archives, with me in the passengerseat. The hardest part is to try to imagine that it might never happen again. And I also start wonderning if that feeling of joy and love will ever come my way again. But that's normal I guess?

Soon I'm going to have some lunch and after that I'm going to school to read some. I have to focus on something else. Yesterday I met Eve and we had a nice quiet evening with tacos and TV. We had a nice talk about alot of things that happened during these three weeks. She always makes me look at things from a different, more healthy perspective.

With Love!


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Den här bloggen är jag. Den kan ibland vara fylld med känslor och tankar men är lika glad och virrig som jag kan vara. Jag älskar min familj och mina vänner, engelska böcker, olympiska spelen, fikabröd, höstlöv, att dansa, promenader, Morgonpasset i P3, ost, träna, snö, skidåkning och att sjunga i duschen. Jag ogillar hat, kapris, när mitt nagellack flagnar, att stressa, orättvisor, att hänga tvätt, människor utan respekt och fötter på tågsäten. Välkommen till mitt lilla hörn i en stor värld.



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